What Sort Of Website Should Your Gym Have Designed?
If you are the owner or the manager of a gym and have come to the conclusion that your website is failing to attract more members via the internet, then the time has certainly come for a new website design for your gym. According to Perth web designers, making that decision is the easy part, as what needs a lot more time and attention is determining what sort of website design for your gym is best.
Unless you are a skilled website designer yourself, we suggest you hire the services of a professional website designer or agency, but that does not mean that you cannot have any input. In fact, it is essential that have some input, so here are some ideas you should seek to include in any design for your gym’s website.
Determine Who Your Target Audience Is
We know gyms each have their own target audience for membership with some geared towards just bodybuilding, some open to all ages, some gyms will be large and offer a vast array of fitness services, and so on. Whichever sub-niche your gym falls into, this should identify for you the age, sex, fitness levels, and specific activities, for example, that your target audience is within, and your website design should reflex that.
Ensure Your Design Is Mobile Friendly and Intuitive
Lots of people literally live on their mobile devices and this is likely for most of those you are targeting. Elements that your web design should have will be easy navigation, integration with social media, a search function, and the ability to make easy payment in order to subscribe to a gym membership. These should all be available on PCs accessing your website, and definitely for mobile devices too.